Godliness is Profitable by Kenneth E. Hagin

Godliness is Profitable by Kenneth E. Hagin

Author:Kenneth E. Hagin
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Tags: prosperity, Bible, Christ, Faith, Jesus, Godliness is Profitable
Published: 2011-09-30T10:49:18+00:00

Chapter 5

Trusting for Finances

I have been many times afoot, with the soles worn out of my shoes, but I knew God would promote me if I'd be faithful. It wasn't that God withheld from me, but the devil was going to see if I really believed what I claimed I believed.

At every turn of the road, the devil will stick up his head. He's going to see if you really believe.

He's going to put you to the test.

The same things could happen now that happened in the case of Job. The devil came up accusing Job. "Yeah, no wonder he serves You,"

the devil said. "Just look: Everything's nice. All of his children are well. He's got big crops. He's got money. He's wealthy. Just take down the hedge and let me get to him. You'll see!"

Well, Satan's got a right to get to people here, because he's the god of this world. A lot of your transactions—especially when it comes to finances—are in this world, where Satan is god, and he'll really stick up his head.

But if you'll do what the Word says, you're not going to be afraid. I know. I know from experience. I can understand how Peter could lie down and sleep soundly when they were planning to kill him the next day. He was sleeping so deeply an angel had to smite him on the side to wake him up, and Peter didn't realize he was really awake until he got outside the prison (Acts 12:6-11).

But I understand that. The Lord has enabled me to lie down and sleep under the most adverse circumstances when nothing seemed to be going right. But I knew that godliness is profitable. I knew that if I would be faithful—if I would not be weary in well doing—in DUE SEASON I'd reap. I wanted to be there when the due season came!

Yes, it would have been easy to become weary. It would have been easy to quit. Absolutely.

That would have been the easy way out: Just quit.

Just give up. My flesh wanted to quit. My mind wanted to quit. But something on the inside of me—that Word and that Spirit . . . . Be a man or woman of the Word and of the Spirit.

Promotion will come, sooner or later. It's coming. Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not. Promotion day's coming. You're about to be promoted, glory to God.


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